Are you spring cleaning?
Drop off all things at once!
The Shred & Clean co-sponsored by Daffodil Valley Kiwanis and City of Sumner will return on Saturday, April 27th, from 10 am – 1 pm, in the City Employee parking lot, just south of City Hall along Alder Avenue.
Items we will accept:
Sensitive documents for immediate shredding (up to 3 grocery bags per person)
Electronics including computers, TVs, printers, scanners, etc. to SBK Recycle (Items that will not be accepted are refrigerators, AC Units, Freezers, heaters, large CRT/Projection/Tube TVs or monitors. For a full list of items accepted, please visit their website)
Batteries & light bulbs that McLendon Hardware will recycle
Left-over prescriptions to Sumner PD as part of Drug Take-Back Day
Eyeglasses for Lions Club